Social Security Employer Correction Request Notices

Posted by BAS - 09 May, 2019


The Social Security Administration (SSA) has started contacting employers when it determines that the employer’s W-2 records don’t match the SSA’s records for employee names and Social Security Numbers.

The SSA began mailing notifications to employers who are identified as having at least one name and SSN submitted on Form W-2 that do not match SSA records. The letter is to advise the employer that they must correct the information so that the employee’s earnings can be properly posted to SSA records. Employers should have correct information as they are required to complete and verify Form I-9 for each employee which collects the employee’s SSN.

Names and SSNs can differ between SSA and employer records for several reasons. For example, there can be a typographical error, an un-reported name change, an inaccurate employer record, or fraud.

The SSA has resources for employers to help with accurate reporting and how to view and correct name and SSN mismatches. The online tools can be accessed by clicking here.

Employers should pay attention to any no-match letters they receive and follow the instructions for making required corrections.

Topics: HR & Benefits Compliance

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