EDI File Transmission

Posted by BAS - 03 January, 2013


Each week, BAS' Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) department sends electronic data files to clients' insurance vendors across the United States. To ensure the data BAS sends is protected from interception or malicious use, BAS protects the files through one of two methods: PGP Encryption or Secure File Transfer.

The first method for sending a secure file is PGP Encryption. This method encodes and locks a file so that it can be opened by only the intended recipient. To use this kind of encryption, BAS exchanges virtual “public keys” from insurance carriers to encrypt files. Once keys are exchanged, BAS EDI will encrypt the file with the public key that is unique to the insurance carrier. The encrypted file will be sent electronically to the insurance carrier, who has a special “private key” to open the file to reveal its contents. If another party who does not have the private key attempts to open the file, the file will be completely unreadable and unusable.

The second method for sending a secure file is through Secure File Transfer Protocols or Secure FTP (SFTP). A SFTP connection enables two parties to send communications without the risk of having data exposed to the public. BAS establishes a secured connection with a specific insurance vendor. Both parties configure their computer network to accept a particular type of transmission from each other in a secure manner. Usernames and passwords are exchanged between BAS and the insurance vendor to further identify the file transmission.

BAS takes great strides to make sure all data exchanged electronically on behalf of clients is transferred securely. For more information, please contact info@BASusa.com.

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