BAS Employees Receive Refresher HIPAA Training

Posted by BAS - 12 April, 2012


BAS trains each new employee in HIPAA privacy and security matters when the employee is hired. In addition, BAS conducts yearly "refresher" training courses to make sure all employees understand and are carrying out BAS' extensive HIPAA Privacy and Security Policies. In March, BAS' Compliance Officer met with employees to reinforce the necessity of HIPAA compliance.

Employees reviewed the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules and received a list of possible items that could be considered protected health information. Employees discussed best-practices work station and computer security/access and how BAS technology is an important part of the HIPAA compliance effort. The minimum necessary rule was addressed, as was best practices for handling phone call inquires involving sensitive information. Real life examples were fully hashed out so that all employees have tools necessary to handle HIPAA Privacy and Security issues as they arise.

This ongoing training is only one of the many ways that BAS practices its policy of being good stewards of our clients' personal data.

Topics: MyEnroll360 Security

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