BAS Blog

Email Verification Security

Written by BAS | Mar 28, 2012 1:16:05 PM

BAS can automatically distribute information to all employees with email addresses in MyEnroll. Open enrollment and other communications sent electronically can be an efficient and timely way to communicate with employees. BAS can automatically distribute information directly to your employees' email accounts and save the communication as a PDF in each employee's record. Emails can be sent to all email addresses on record for each employee.

Now may be a good time for employers to verify that email addresses entered into MyEnroll are correct. If you wish to perform a global email verification, BAS can send an email from "MyEnroll-Services" to the address(s) in each employee record. The email will ask the employee to verify is or her email address by clicking on a provided link and entering a few key pieces of information. This process will allow the MyEnroll system to verify the email address with the employee record. BAS can provide any fall-out in a report. Verifying email addresses is an easy security step for benefit plan communication.